Greetings all!
For those who would like to join us...and feel free to invite others!
Our friend Ben from Canada comes with years of experience in training!
He and I are hosting a workout this Saturday morning at 8:00am CST/ 9:00am EST and 6:00am PST.
You'll need the following:
Pull up Bar
I'll be running y'all through a Warm-Up then Ben will take us through the following, with a quick demo prior to each.
2 x 10
Incline dumbbell press
Seated rows
2 x 10
9&3 (staring in lying Dumbbell press position, on arm goes into neutral press, the other a fly)
1 x 5
Staring in swimmers press
Left arm press, right arm curl
Right arm press, left arm curl
Right arm press, left arm curl
Left arm press, right arm curl
8ish - shoulder burnout 4
Lateral side raises; front raise;bent over back raise
1 x 10
Seated double alternating curls
Lying double cross body extensions, arm down when other arm up for 2
Reverse curls
Diamond Push ups/narrow grip pull ups
Wide push ups/wide pull ups
Military/chin ups
Standard push ups/Standard pull ups
Then I'll take us through an Ab move of the day:)
The Zoom link can be found at my calendar on my site.
Message any questions you may have prior to Saturday.
Have an awesome Thanksgiving and we'll hope to see y'all on Saturday!
The OG Train will definitely run Friday morning at 8:00am CST, for those who want to join and burn off some of the prior days feast:)
Peace ✌🏻